Our Story
It started with a passion for Chicago, love of graphic t-shirts, and an entrepreneurial spirit!
More About Us
We are a Company founded upon the values of character. Our values call us to better the world through our actions and words. Our values include:
Live a life of personal integrity and thereby earn honor. Honorable people live up to promises made to others and to themselves:
We are fair, honest, and trustworthy in everything we do.
A person who strives for a life of charity and service is more patient, kind, and forgiving of others. Be humble, respectful, and generous:
A portion of all of our sales goes to a charity.
Currently, we are supporting our local favorite, the People's Resource Center. The People’s Resource Center's mission is to help people meet basic needs, including food, clothing, and rent assistance. It also offers skill-building resources, such as literacy classes, job assistance, computer training and art.
We are pure of thought, word, and action so as to rise above challenges and achieve our goals. We have no self-pity, rationalizations, or apologies:
We strive to be the best we can be, for Us and for You!
Let us know how we're doing:
Tweet to us @chitowntshirts, or tag us @chitowntshirts on Instagram. And use #chitowntshirts everywhere to spread the word!
We aim to work hard, but have fun doing it. Our shirts are meant to be fun, creative and playful so you can represent your favorite place and things in a unique way.
Thus Our purpose, beyond making t-shirts, is to better the world through the creation and perpetuation of human connections founded upon the values of: Honor, Charity, Purity, and Humor